
Long Term Disability Claim Videos

At Riemer Hess, our New York disability attorneys are committed to educating the public about issues pertaining to long-term disability claims ֱ. This page is a centralized location for the videos we have created. Our videos are designed to address some common questions and concerns about how we can help you.


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Building A Strong Long Term Disability Claim: The Power of Objective Medical Evidence

In this video, Riemer Hess explores the crucial role of objective medical evidence in supporting your long term disability claim. By understanding its significance, you...


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Can a Vocational Assessment Help My Long Term Disability Claim?

In this video, Riemer Hess answers common questions about how a vocational assessment can provide a detailed, expert opinion that explains why your disability prevents...


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How A Neuropsychological Evaluation Can Help Your Disability Claim

In this video, Riemer Hess answers common questions about undergoing a neuropsychological evaluation for a disability claim. A neuropsychological evaluation can provide...


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Functional Capacity Evaluations: What To Expect

In this video, Riemer Hess answers common questions about undergoing a functional capacity evaluation for a disability claim. When you file a long term disability...


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Surveillance Tactics Used to Deny Long Term Disability Benefits

This video explains how insurance companies use surveillance tactics to “catch” you performing activities that are inconsistent with your disability claim. If the...

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How Riemer Hess Can Help You Win Your Disability Benefits

This video provides an overview of how our firm can help you. Riemer Hess prides itself on offering exceptional client service based on compassion, professionalism, and...

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How Riemer Hess Can Help You File A Successful Disability Claim

This video outlines the firm’s approach to long-term and short-term disability claims. Riemer Hess will guide you through each step of the long-term disability claim...

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How Riemer Hess Can Help Protect Your Long Term Disability Benefits

This video explains how Riemer Hess can continue to monitor and protect your long term disability benefits, once approved. Our firm works hard to ensure that you...

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How Riemer Hess Can Help You Win Your Long Term Disability Appeal

This video explains the firm’s strategy for winning a long term disability appeal. Receiving a long-term disability denial can be unnerving. The process to appeal can be...

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How Riemer Hess Can Help Litigate Your Long Term Disability Insurance Claim

This video describes how the firm pursues ERISA long term disability litigations in court. Although claim denials are not common for Riemer Hess clients, our New York...


Our disability attorneys understand that leaving the career you’ve worked so hard to build is devastating. Click below to learn how to leave work protected.