Osteomyelitis is a serious bone infection that can, if untreated, cause life-threatening complications and permanent physical impairment. It is most often caused by a trauma that exposes damaged bone to bacteria or blood or tissue infections that spread into otherwise healthy bone tissue. Once the bone is damaged or weakened, complications such as osteoporosis or arthritis can occur and cause life-long problems. If you have experienced osteomyelitis and any associated conditions that have affected your ability to work, you may qualify to file a .
Depending on the severity of the infection, your doctors have several ways to treat the osteomyelitis. Modern surgical techniques and antibiotics are very effective in fighting bone infections as well as preventing other medical problems that are associated with osteomyelitis such as bone loss and joint deformity.
Osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain can forever impact your quality of life and employment prospects. Fortunately, you have legal options to help you cope with the aftermath. Our attorneys can assist you with filing a long term New York disability claim that will help provide for you and your family’s needs. Contact the at (212) 297-0700 for an evaluation of your long-term disability case.