
Disability Claim Checklist

Download the Disability Claim Checklist to Learn What You'll Need for Your Claim!  

disability-checklist-previewIt's time to file your disability claim. Do you know what documents and evidence you'll need? 

Our Disability Claim Checklist is designed to help you get started with your claim.  We guide you through the preparation process and provide you with a convenient worksheet to help organize you along the way.

  • Step 1: Identify and Itemize Your Disability Benefits

  • Step 2: Document Your Disability

  • Step 3: Explain Your Disability

Knowing which documents you'll need early in the process will make your claim much easier.

Complete the form on this page to get the help you need.  With our checklist, your disability claim will be off to a great start!

Ready to learn more about how we can assist you with your disability claim?  If you provide your phone number, our Relationship Director will call you within 24 hours to provide a complimentary assessment of your claim and discuss your next steps. 

If you want to speak with our Relationship Director now, call 212-297-0700 or click button below to schedule a complimentary assessment of your claim.

Download our Disability Claim Checklist